Welcome back to TBN. Vape industry news, advocacy and information. We pride ourselves on following science and fact over politics and partisan lines. Our guests often include public health advocates, experts and doctors. Timestamps are the first pinned comment underneath this video. Science will win, Vaping is going to change the world and save millions and millions of lives.

Every Tuesday afternoon for roughly an hour and a half, We will be discussing the topics of the day. As well as current breaking news from the world of vaping, tobacco, nicotine and tobacco harm reduction. Let’s get educated and fight the good fight together!

Today’s topics include Rhode Island Representative Julie Casimiro. Once a very vocal “Ban Flavors To Protect Kids” lawmaker has suddenly changed her mind on vaping and is actually doing something about it. THANK YOU JULIE!! This is a huge deal IMO and part of how I see the tides turning. We are also going to talk about Bloomberg taking more heat from the UKVIA ( UK Vaping Industry Association ) being called an “Enemy Of Harm Reduction”

AND! we have some sciency stuff this week adding to the growing mountain of evidence in favor of smokers using far far less harmful clean nicotine vaping products.