Hello and Welcome, welcome and hello! It’s VLOG DAY but it’s also a sad day. Our community lost a friend and tonight’s VLOG is dedicated to the mighty MATT SINISTER. Matt was our bro and to many of us in the Patreon, he was a dear friend.

Packed VLOG tonight. Totally a beer, totally a retro vape, totally Totally mail and even though Matt hated it… Totally news and advocacy. No Vaping isn’t “dead” or “over” or “ending” … but as I said, it’s not awesome, and it’s going to be a rough road getting there. But we don’t give up.

Welcome back to TBN. Industry news, advocacy, and information. Today’s Topics Include: China and its new, potentially detrimental national e-cigarette regulations. The biggest vape lawsuit from Triton is still a very real thing. Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes?!?!?! This is a thing and we discuss it.

Plenty of other newsy bits and science bits to discuss, and I miss unpopular opinions with Danielle Jones. So I want to make some room for that today.