TBN! The “Truth” Initiative – New CASAA Site! – CDCs Questionable Math

Welcome back to Tuesday Bro NEWSDAY. New name, new hosts, same reliable news and commentary.

Every Tuesday afternoon for roughly an hour and a half, Danielle and I will be discussing the topics of the day. As well as current breaking news from the world of vaping, tobacco, nicotine and tobacco harm reduction. Let’s get educated and fight the good fight together!

Today’s topics include: The “Truth” Initiative. Do they care about Truth? or science? or actually helping? or do their loyalties lie in a higher power? MONEY!! they love it, they love having it, they love spending it, just not on anything useful. We also have some interesting new CDC data which claims that cigarette smokers are not actually cigarette smokers. Other news bits, odds and ends will be included as well. There is a NEW Casaa.org website, were gonna show it off a little bit.

Timestamps, links and Podcast will be down below


05:50 – Introductions
11:45 – Veritas / CASAA CTA
14:19 -New CASAA Website
37:10 -Nova Scotia Flavor Ban Consequences
55:41 -Stanton Glantz Responds To Study
01:01:06 – CDC Smokers are now Non Smokers
01:26:50 – The Truth Initiative is awful and rich

Click the links below with confidence, they all open in new windows


Veritas Cohort Study

CASAA Vape Mail Ban

Cochrane Library Meta-Analasys

Nicotine 101: The Truth About What It Is and What it Does

Money Laundering at the American Legacy Foundation (TRUTH INITIATIVE )

The Truth About American Legacy ( TRUTH INITIATIVE )

As Expected, Nova Scotia Flavor Ban Is Increasing Smoking Rates

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

‘Horrific’ vaping experiments on pregnant mice slammed by animal rights campaigners

Re-thinking nicotine and its effects

Podcast also available on iTunes
